How to Reverse a Word Using Stack in C++?
In C++, we have a stack data structure that follows the Last In First Out (LIFO) principle. In this article, we will learn how to reverse a word using a stack in C++....
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How to Traverse Vector Using const_reverse_iterator in C++?
In C++, a vector can be traversed in reverse order using a const_reverse_iterator. A const_reverse_iterator is a type of iterator that points to the last element in the container and moves in the reverse direction. In this article, we will learn how to traverse a vector using a const_reverse_iterator in C++....
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Enum Classes in C++ and Their Advantage over Enum DataType
Enums or Enumerated type (enumeration) is a user-defined data type that can be assigned some limited values. These values are defined by the programmer at the time of declaring the enumerated type....
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C++ Program for Longest subsequence of a number having same left and right rotation
Given a numeric string S, the task is to find the maximum length of a subsequence having its left rotation equal to its right rotation....
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Find the node at the center of an N-ary tree
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Length of race track based on the final distance between participants
Given three integers A, B, and C, the task is to find the length of a race track if 3 racers are competing in a race where the first racer beats the second racer by A meters, the first racer beats the third racer by B meters and the second racer beats the third by C meters....
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Difference between GCC and G++
GCC stands for GNU Compiler Collections which is used to compile mainly C and C++ language. It can also be used to compile Objective C and Objective C++. The most important option required while compiling a source code file is the name of the source program, rest every argument is optional like a warning, debugging, linking libraries, object file, etc. The different options of GCC command allow the user to stop the compilation process at different stages....
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Draw an ellipse using OpenCV in C++
In this article, the task is to draw an ellipse using OpenCV in C++. The ellipse() function from OpenCV C++ library will be used....
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Generating RGBA portable graphic images through C++
PNG images are capable of supporting multiple image properties such as multiple colors, degree of transparency, Gamma correction, Lossless compression, etc. PNG images are widely used and preferred for numerous types of images....
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Breadth First Search without using Queue
Breadth-first search is a graph traversal algorithm which traverse a graph or tree level by level. In this article, BFS for a Graph is implemented using Adjacency list without using a Queue.Examples:...
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Print nodes in top view of Binary Tree | Set 2
Top view of a binary tree is the set of nodes visible when the tree is viewed from the top. Given a binary tree, print the top view of it. The output nodes should be printed from left to right....
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What is the Max Array Length Limit in C++?
In C++, arrays are data structures that store data of the same type in continuous memory locations. However, when working with arrays, it’s important to be aware of certain limitations, including the maximum length of an array that can be declared. In this article, we will learn how we can find the maximum array length limit in C++...
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